Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Astral Travel and Third Eye

Astral Travel is often known as out-of-body experience. It is the conscious separation of the astral body from the physical body. After coming out of the Body the Meditator sees his own Physical Body by this he get a Great understanding. He understanding he is not just the Body and Mind. But he stays in the Body this is a Great understanding everyone should Experience Astral Travel.

Astral Body can travels beyond Space and Time after Conscious Astral Experience. We start perceiving New Dimension. Astral Body can pass through all Physical Material, All Elements like Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Ether. Astral Travel can go to all other Frequencies Without any limitations.

Third eye is aslo called inner eye or Shiv Netra. By more and more Mediation your third eye get awaken. After you third Eye awaken .We feel other frequency realities we seen the things which are not present in the realm of the five senses. In Third Eye perfection, we 'see' so many things more crystal clear than the physical visions We feel like moving in a tunnel and finally merging with the light by this our actions will changes, our believes will changes, our understanding will change after this third eye experience.


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