Prayer is when you talk to God; Meditation is when you listen to God.
God did not Create Evil
“God did not create evil. Just as darkness is the absence of light, evil is the absence of God.”
People see God every day
People see God every day , they just don't recognize him.
The Root of Suffering is Desire.
The Peace you are looking for
The Peace you are looking for is not outside's what is looking out your eyes.
We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Monday, July 2, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
The idea is that thing & the idea is that force. On which our life is based.
When a thought is repeated again and again, It Leads to Action.
And When a Action is repeated again and again , It Leads to Habit.
And the Sum total of our habits is our Character.
And It is Character that Shapes Our Destiny.
And When a Action is repeated again and again , It Leads to Habit.
And the Sum total of our habits is our Character.
And It is Character that Shapes Our Destiny.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
अच्छी बातें
१. किसी की प्रतीक्षा नहीं करता .................................समय, मृत्यु, ग्राहक
२. हर एक का अलग-अलग होता है.............................रूप, स्वाभाव, भाग्य
३. मनुष्य को जीवन में एक बार मिलती है .................माँ-बाप, सोंदर्य, यौवन
४. भाई-भाई को दुश्मन बना देती है ............................जर , जोरू , जमीन
५. पर्दा चाहती है .......................................................भोजन, धन, स्त्री
६. याद रखना जरूरी है ...............................................चोरी, चुगली, झूंठ
७. असल उद्देश्य से रोकती है .....................................चरित्रहीनता, क्रोध, लोभ
८. कोई चुरा नहीं सकता.............................................बुद्धि, विध्या , कला
९. वीर पुरुष करते हैं ..................................................दान, दया और क्षमा
१०. निकल कर वापस नहीं आती................................तीर कमान से, बात जुबान प्राण शारीर से
Friday, April 13, 2012
धन से
१. धन से पुस्तक मिलती है । किन्तु ज्ञान नहीं ।
२. धन से आभूषण मिलता है । किन्तु रूप नहीं ।
३. धन से सुख मिलता है । किन्तु आनंद नहीं ।
४. धन से साथी मिलते हैं । किन्तु सच्चे मित्र नहीं ।
५. धन से भोजन मिलता है । किन्तु भूख नहीं ।
६. धन से दावा मिलती है । किन्तु स्वस्थ्य नहीं ।
७. धन से एकांत मिलता है । किन्तु शान्ति नहीं ।
८. धन से बिस्तर मिलते हैं । किन्तु नींद नहीं ।
Thursday, April 12, 2012
अनमोल वचन
दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा जेवर आपकी अपनी मेहनत ।
जो हाथ सेवा के लिए उठते हैं
वे प्रार्थना करने वाले होठों से अधिक पवित्र हैं ।
स्वार्थ में अच्छाइयाँ ऐसे खो जाती हैं , जैसे समुन्द्र में नदियाँ ।
आँखों में क्या है?
१. पिता की आँखों में ........................फ़र्ज़
२. माता की आँखों में........................ममता
३. भाई की आँखों में..........................प्यार
४. बहन की आँखों में.........................स्नेह
५. अमीर की आँखों में......................घमण्ड
६ . गरीब की आँखों में.......................आशा
७. मित्र की आँखों में.........................सहयोग
८. दुश्मन की आँखों में......................बदला
९. सज्जन की आँखों में.....................दया
१०. शिष्य की आँखों में......................आदर
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
धर्म के लक्षण
१. धारण के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो ................धैर्य
२. जो किसी का अपना नहीं है तो ................धन
३. जीतने के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो ...............मन
४. त्यागने के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो .............इर्ष्या
५. परखने के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो...............बुद्धि
६. संग्रह के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो.................विध्या
७. रखने के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो.................मान
८. सफलता के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो............परिश्रम
९. करने के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो.................सत्संग
१०. मनुष्य का सबसे बड़ा शत्रु है तो ...........आलस्य
११. सबसे बड़ा आभूषण है तो ..................मधुर वचन
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012
एक चीज़
१. जीतने के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो ............प्रेम
२. पीने के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो ..............क्रोध
3. खाने के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो ..............गम
४. देने के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो ................दान
५. दिखाने के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो...........दया
६. लेने के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो................ज्ञान
७. कहने के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो.............सत्य
८. रखने के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो .............इज्जत
९. फेंकने के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो.............इर्ष्या
१०. छोड़ने के लिए कोई चीज़ है तो ..........मोह
Sunday, April 8, 2012
अनमोल वचन
१. इस तरह न कमायो की पाप हो जाये ।
२. इस तरह न खर्च करो की कर्जा हो जाये ।
३. इस तरह न खाओ की मर्ज हो जाये ।
४. इस तरह न बोलो की क्लेश हो जाये ।
५. इस तरह न चलो की देर को जाये ।
६. इस तरह न सोचो की चिंता हो जाये ।
Saturday, March 24, 2012
How to do Meditation (Lesson-4)
Let us know the other tool of Self i.e. Astral Body. Astral Body is a tool of the Self to Perceive the other Frequency Realities. Astral Body is one more form of our Consciousness just like our Physical Body. In normal Condition our Consciousness Spread though out our Physical Body. When we Receive sufficient Amount of Energy and when feel to perceive other Frequency Reality. Consciousness moves in the form of Astral Body. We perceive Astral Body Experience Unconsciously in our Sleep. Which we call dreams one can Perceive Astral Body Experience Consciously in Mediation.Astral Body travels beyond Space and Time after Conscious Astral Experience. We start perceiving New Dimension. In Mediation after Receive abundant Cosmic Energy the Consciousness which spread Energy Every where in the Body start move towards a point While Consciousness is Moving we Experience Jacks in the Physical Body. We fell our Body is Floating. we don’t feel Hands and Legs. We feel lightness of the Body like a Feather movements may be Experience in difference Parts of the Body or Some Time one May Experience as of the whole body is Rotating. These are Know as Astral Movements. By Practice More and More Mediation. We get more Cosmic Energy. The Consciousness takes the form like an Astral Body start rotating very fast which causes Heavy movements After the Movements the Astral Travel Start coming out of the Physical Body with a link called Silver Cord. Silver Cord is nothing but a High Vibration Consciousness which transfers the Messages to the Physical Body to the Astral Body or a Vice-Versa with this we do Astral Travels. Astral Travel is travel of our Consciousness to know or known Places and Frequency by doing astral travel we get highest knowledge and Understanding of the Self in Astral Travel our Astral Body can pass through all Physical Material, All Elements like Earth, Water, Fire, Wind and Ether Astral Travel can go to all other Frequencies without any limitations. After coming out of the Body the Mediation sees his own Physical Body by this he get a Great understanding. He understanding he is not just the Body and Mind. But he stays in the Body this is a Great understanding everyone should Experience Astral Travel. By Experiencing Astral Travel our limitedness will Banish and We will understand that we are unlimited by this Experience we understand that we are the Consciousness. We understand that we are unlimited. we understand the New dimension of life. By Practices more and more Mediations we will receive more cosmic Energy. Cosmic Energy Improve our Involvement in what we are. By more and more meditation total Involvement with Body, Mind Self. We understand in total about the situations. Understanding is nothing but knowledge after Experience All Mediation Experience and implementing it in our Practice life. We will get great Understanding. This understanding open up several thousand doors which give new dimensions of Perception in our life, our understanding, our Knowledge and Our Perception Expends a Lot. This leads to the Expansion of our Consciousness. Which is nothing having Wisdom. We Experience this State of Wisdom as a thousand of Lotus Petal. Each and Every Petal is a new Dimension of Understanding by receiving more and more dimension we understand more and more Knowledge of other. Existence with these understanding we come to know that there is no death and we are Eternal beings. We understand what birth is and what death.
How to do Meditatioin (Lesson-3)
The third Eye perfection
When the etheric body get sufficient cosmic energy by more and more meditation our third eye get perfect here we receive crystal clear visions of this plane and other planes in third eye perfection. We feel other frequency realities we seen the things which are not present in the realm of the five senses.We feel so many things which we cannot express with words we hear inner voices, sounds or sounds of instruments from other frequencies. We see master in a physical form as we know them. After more meditation we start seeing the master like a bright light even by seeing the bright light we feel the identity of the master. We can hear the messages from the master. We feel like moving in a tunnel and finally merging with the light by this our actions will changes, our believes will changes, our understanding will change after this third eye experience. we find changes in our perceptions of this physical change. Ok Friends I will tell you about Astral body and Astral travel in my next Article. Keep doing meditation.........
Friday, March 23, 2012
How to do Meditation (Lesson-2)
In last lesson we talked about the Etheric body, The etheric body or energy body is formed with more than 72000 naddi or energy tubes which runes all across the body, All these energy tube starts form the top of the head region, This region is called bhramrand, These naddi spread throughout the body like a roots and shoots of a plant. The energy body is the main base for the design of our life. This energy body is the main source of all our actions and even our existence, our energy body receives cosmic energy during deep sleep and meditation. We are using this energy for our body and mind activities like seeing, speaking, hearing, thinking and all physical actions.All these functions are totally based on the incoming energy is purely based on our thoughts. When we have thoughts the inflow of cosmic energy is obstruct in other words our thoughts are the stumbling blocks for the inflow of cosmic energy. When the inflow of cosmic energy is less the energy in the energy tubes depletes.This depletion causes etheric patches in the energy body. These etheric patches gradually leads to diseases in the physical body in the other words the root cause for all diseases is the lack of energy in the energy body. In meditation we get abundant cosmic energy its flow through all our energy tubes of the energy body, When cosmic energy is passing through energy tube because of its heavy flow it cleanses all etheric patches. When etheric patches are cleansed we come out of all our illness when energy start flowing through the Bhramrand we feel heaviness in the head region or heaviness of the whole body. When energy cleansing the energy tubes in a particular region we may get etching sensation or pain in that region some time we may experience pain in various places in the physical body of these pain we need not take any medicine. All these pain will Banish by doing more meditation by intake of more and more cosmic energy through meditation we come out all physical and mental illness. Meditation is a journey towards a self for this we have to transient the body and mind. By assuming the comfortable posture our body totally relaxes and this facilitates the transcending the body consciousness by observing our normal breathing we transient the mind. When we transient the body there by we will be healthy without any medicine. More and more cosmic energy releases all the tensions and stress of the mind as we practise more and more meditation mind become calm and has more space this leads to higher memory power more and more meditation leads to higher understanding capabilities then it leads to good inter personal relationship meditation enhance the happiness of family life. Meditation helps us get all answers to all our questions to achieve this and more. Meditation should be practise every day. Meditation can be done in any place. Meditation can be done in any time. Even during the journey. one sitting meditation should be done for a time equal to ones age for instance 30 year old man should do meditation at least 30 minute one sitting for meditation. You need not to leave the family life everyone should do meditation. Children's are the best mediators. Do mediation I will tell you more about meditation. Ok good bye.
How to do Meditation (Lesson-1)
For meditation you may sit in any posture, The posture must be very comfortable and stable, we can meditate either in a floor or on a chair, we can meditate in any place wherever we feel comfortable. Sit comfortably cross your legs clasp your fingers, now close your eyes, stop inner and outer chatter, don't chant any mantra just relax totally relax, just relax. When we cross your legs and clasp your fingers, energy circuit is formed and gives more stability.Eyes are the door of mind so eyes should be closed. Mantra chanting and any chattering inner or outer are the activity of mind so it should be stooped. When body relaxes consciousness travels to the next room mind and intellectual, Mind is nothing but a bundle of thoughts there are several thoughts always coming to the surface of mind. Whenever there are thoughts in the mind we may get many question known or unknown to transient in the mind and intellect. one has to observe the breath observation is the nature of the self so one should just witness the breath don't do conscious breathing don't inhale or exhale consciously, Let inhalation or exhalation happen own its own, just observe the normal breathing this is the main key this is the way don't go behind the thought don't thing queries, question and thought, cut the thought come back to the breath observe normal breathing be with your breath then the density of the thought reduces slowly breath become thinner and shorter. Finally breath becomes smallest and converted in to flash of light in between eyebrows in this state one will have one breath and no thought he will be totally thoughtless this state is called neermal isthiti or no thought state this is called meditation state in this state we will be under the shower of cosmic energy the more meditation one does the more cosmic energy one receives that cosmic energy flow through energy body this is also called the Etherise body. Do mediation I will tell you more about meditation. Ok good bye.
अनमोल वचन
१. प्रेम बोला नहीं जा सकता, बताया नहीं जा सकता ,
दिखाया नहीं जा सकता , प्रेम तो चित से चित का अनुभव है
२. जो मुझे करना चाहिए , वह मुझे मालूम है
लेकिन वह में करता नहीं, और जो मुझे नहीं करना चाहिए,
वह भी मुझे मालूम है , लेकिन वही में करता हू
३. हमारी जितनी मानसिक और शारीरिक शक्तिया है ,
आत्म - विश्वास उन सबका सरदार है
४. न बोले ही जहा काम चलता हो , वहा बोलने की बात ही कहा,
जहा सुई से काम चलता हो , वहा तलवार पागल उठाते है
५. अपमानो का या तो टीक से बदला लेना चाहिए,
या उन्हें टीक से सहन करना चाहिए
दिखाया नहीं जा सकता , प्रेम तो चित से चित का अनुभव है
२. जो मुझे करना चाहिए , वह मुझे मालूम है
लेकिन वह में करता नहीं, और जो मुझे नहीं करना चाहिए,
वह भी मुझे मालूम है , लेकिन वही में करता हू
३. हमारी जितनी मानसिक और शारीरिक शक्तिया है ,
आत्म - विश्वास उन सबका सरदार है
४. न बोले ही जहा काम चलता हो , वहा बोलने की बात ही कहा,
जहा सुई से काम चलता हो , वहा तलवार पागल उठाते है
५. अपमानो का या तो टीक से बदला लेना चाहिए,
या उन्हें टीक से सहन करना चाहिए
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