Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Basics of Life

1.       People and Situations will not always be the way we think is right for them to be. Our Perception of right is According to your ethos (Sanskar). Each Soul will always be according to what they feel is right for to be.

2.       When one soul changes their ethos, it has an influence on other around them and slowly the change vibrates in the universe. When we soul shifted away from our original pure Ethos (Sanskar) together we create hell (Kaliyug). When we shift back to our originality, together we Create heaven (Satyug).

3.       Each time someone did not behave in a nice manner with us and we responded in the same way, We allowed our self to shift from our original qualities of peace, Love and happiness. We then started looking for happiness, searching for peace and asking for Love.

4.       Power to Tolerate means to not get affected internally at the thought level when situations and people are not the way we feel they should be. Tolerate does not mean to suppress, it means to accept.

5.       We cannot afford to waste time and energy in questioning other’s behaviours. While doing this our power gets depleted and we will not be ourselves even in other relationships. Irrespective of how people behave, our role is only to keep our mind clean.

6.       To give respect to others, we need to be in a state of high self-respect.  The more ego we have, the lesser is our self-respect. Lower the self-respect, lesser are we able to respect other.